Skyrim in Concert

Category: Games


15 Years of Xbox: Celebrating Fable 2

The first game that I ever received for the Xbox 360 was the fantasy RPG Fable 2. Perhaps not…

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24 Hour Charity Game-a-thon!

If you’re an avid gamer who’s never heard of the movement Extra Life, you should change that…

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The Great Video Game Film Plot

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a film in possession of a video game basis must be in…

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Review: Batman: The Telltale Series – Episode 1 & 2

They’ve given us zombies. They’ve given us fairy-tale creatures. They’ve even given us a visit to…

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Our Top 5 Most Anticipated Games This Autumn

2016 has already been a great year in the world of gaming, boasting releases such as Dark Souls 3,…

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Gaming on a Budget: Great Free-to-Play Games

A prime assumption about playing video games is that it’s an expensive hobby. This certainly rings…

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Review: The Collider 2

Jack Hsuan reviews The Collider 2, a PC title from Shortbreak Studios. The Collider 2 sees you,…

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Game Review: Layers of Fear

“A horror game where the scares come from the setting rather than another rotten, faceless zombie…

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Review: Fallout 4

For many readers out there, I would need to say nothing more than “Fallout 4. Buy this…

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